a new kemp in town (coming soon)
As some of you may know, I recently sold my '63 Belair to fellow gearhead Alex from Basel, who is working on a mild kustom '57 Pontiac Chieftain. Since some time, I was looking for a 49 to 54 Chevy Coupe, preferably a 49 or 50 in stock condition. My plan was to build a kustom in the early 50s style, maybe with a chopped roof as the biggest modification. Well, just when I laid my eye on two cars here in Switzerland, I came across an advert for a chopped 1949 deluxe coupe, owned and built by Kyle Phillips from San Diego, California. At first, I was struck by the beautiful roofline that I'd never seen before like this on a chopped deluxe or business coupe. Most of the chops on 49 to 54 Chevys are done with a two door sedan. So, I decided to use the pics from that advert as an inspiration for my own project. Just a few days after this idea, a friend of mine came up with a new idea: why not import that very '49 coupe from the states? I must say, I liked that thought and I started to collect some info on shipping and everything needed to get the car to Switzerland. Whatever, to make a long story short, the coupe is on its way to good old Europe. And as I hardly can't wait for the car to arrive, I decided to kill some time with writing the longest entry on this blog ever. Stay tuned...
I hope everything goes well. How long does it take for the shipping?
shipping takes a bit more than one month. until now, everything worked flawlessly. cheers, Marc